or adorn the GENTLEMAN - His Courage, his ZEAL & Devotion to his Profefion, whilst actively, & unceasingly, engaged in the memorable Campaigns, in Portugal, in Spain, & in France, acquired him the Friendship, the Confidence, & just Admiration, of his Brother Officers. In the more retired Scenes, of private Life, he was no lefs exemplary. Superior, to every mean & selfish Consideration, he was uniformly Liberal, Affectionate, & Unafsuming. And whilst his ingenuous Dis- -position, & unaffected Manners, secured the Kindnefs & Esteem of ALL. The Lofs, which his Family, & Friends, have sustain'd, by his glorious, but untimely Death, can never be contemplated, without Emotions of deep, & sincere Regret. |