Sacred to the Memory of
FREDERICK PHILIPSE Efquire, late of the
Province of New york; a Gentleman, in whom
the various focial, domeftic and religious
Virtues were eminently united. The uniform
Rectitude of his Conduct commanded the
Efteem of others; whilft the Benevolence of his
Heart, and Gentlenefs of his Manners fecured
their Love. Firmly attached to his Sovereign
and the Britifh Conftitution, he oppofed, at
the Hazard of his Life, the late Rebellion in
North America; and for his faithful Difcharge
of his Duty to his King and Country, he was
Profcribed, and his Eftate, one of the largeft in
New york, was Confifcated, by the Ufurped Legiflature
of that Province. When the Britifh Troops were
withdrawn from New york in 1783, he quitted
a Province to which he had always been an
Ornament and Benefactor, and came to
England, leaving all his Property behind him;
which Reverfe of Fortune he bore with
that Calmnefs, Fortitude and Dignity
which had diftinguifhed him through
every former Stage of Life.
He was born at New york the 12th Day of September,
in the year 1720; and died in this Place the 30th
Day of April, in the Year 1785, aged 65 Years.