| For the freedom of
the world these lives
were given and for all
time shall these names
be honoured.
Ralph BOWER, Royal Engineers.
Died 30 June 1918 Charles MAY, Cheshire Regt.
Died 8 November 1917 Alfred POLLARD, RASC, mt.
Died 6 November 1918 Edward SLATER, RGA.
Killed in action 15 December 1917 Ernest THOMPSON,
20 Manch Regt. Killed 1 March 1917 William THOMPSON, Corp,
7th Ches Regt. Killed in action 4 Oct 1917 George WALKER, Corp.
Royal Welsh Fus. Killed in action 24 Oct 1914 Frank WRIGHT, 2nd Grenadier Gds.
Killed 27 March 1918
The following residents
made the supreme sacrifice
during the 1939 - 1945 war
John Crawford ATTY
Royal Field Artillery 17 June 1944 George Edward POWELL
Home Guard 9 Aug 1944
| Ernest BERESFORD, Royal Welsh Fus.
Killed in action 22 Aug 1917 Charles ENTWISTLE, Lieut.
8th Manchester Regt. Killed in action 21 Mar 1918 Walter FORREST, Sergt. DCM
3rd Worces Regt. Killed in action 10 June 1917 Donald LARDNER, HMS Pathfinder
Killed in action, August 1914 John POWELL, RFA
Killed in action 2 May 1917 George POWELL, Sergt Major
1/7th Cheshire Regt. Killed in action 10 Aug 1915 John Arthur RYLE, Cheshire Regt
Died 17 October 1918 Henry SLATER, 1st Batt Rifle Brigade
Killed in action 1 July 1916 Louis STEARN,
3rd Reserve Cavalry Regt. Died 25 June 1919 Albert THIRLWALL,
10th Cheshire Regt. Killed 20 May 1916 Stanley THIRLWALL,
1/7 Royal Welsh Fus. Killed in action 6 Nov 1917 Fred WALLER, Lance Corp
18th Manch Regt. Killed in action 9 July 1916
London Irish Rifles 14 Sept 1944