Was originally in the church at Statham (just west of Lymm). When that building closed the memorial was moved to its present location. I have not been able to find much information about Statham Church. I think it was a chapel associated with St Mary's, Lymm.
Statham Roll of Honour
ANTROBUS Harry ANTROBUS Joseph APPLETON George, (Aug 24th 1915) APPLETON Matthew APPLETON Percy BAKER Harold BOOTH Charles BOOTH James BOOTH John BROOKES Arthur BURROWS Albert Edward CLARE Ernest CLARKE Charles CLARKE Frank, (March 16th 1916) CLARKE Harry CLARKE Percy CLARKE William COOKE William DIXON Ronald H V DRINKWATER Bertram W HANKINSON Harold HOLMES John E HOLT John | HUNT Joseph HYNCH William, (Aug 13th 1916) JAMES Edward JAMES Walter LAMMING Charles LEIGH Gilbert LEIGH Peter, (April 1st 1915) LEIGH Thomas MARGETTS John PERCIVAL John STRUTHERS Robert SCRAGG John THOMASON Herbert WIBBERLEY Harold WIBBERLEY Tom WILKES Eric WILKES Gerald WILKES Norman WILKES Ralph GWYTHER Harry GWYTHER Rex GWYTHER Richard |